Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Daily Jibberish

I have a system for a lot of things. Take food for example. If you can't pronounce it, it's not good for you. I also make up words like: "Inpained" (to be in much pain), "tragical" (a great tragedy), and "technicality" (I think that's a real word though). 
My mom made up a word for all these things. She calls them, "Meisms". Like, if you're name is Jessica, you will have "Jessicaisms". 

A while ago, my mom and I read a book, and certain parts of it were in the Welsh language. So whenever we came across something we couldn't pronounce, we substituted it for, "Shabalabadingdong" (sha-ba-la-ba-ding-dong)!

Lol. I think I'm going to bother College Dude from a distance.


The Baking Girl 

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Little Princess hasn't vandalized my room yet (again), so I'm going to ask you a few random questions just for the fun of not cleaning my room (again).

Isn't it funny how you get you're driver's license and your parents have you do all sorts of errands for them?

When you get punctured with a needle (let's assume accidentally), shouldn't it fill up the spot where you're supposed to be bleeding?

Rhyming is cool, but only if you're a superhero, right?

When you're in a cloud aren't you highly claustrophobic? (I don't think that makes sense)

If high heels are high, then why do they need pumps to make them higher? (Haha just making sure you were paying attention!)

Does cheese taste better squirted out of a can or in slices?

I'm in the mood for some...baking!


The Baking Girl

Baking Girl

Hi! I'm the Baking Girl. This is a blog about my life. 

I think of my family as the modern day Huxtables (Cosby Show). You know. There's so many people, that you don't know whether you're coming or going. 
I have a younger sister, let's call her the Little Princess. She's cute, but gets into EVERYTHING. I also have an older brother, let's call him College Dude. He's goes to some college (I forgot which one), and has lots of interesting friends (note I never said that was a good thing or a bad thing). 

Little Princess vandalized my room yesterday, and now my room and her room smells like expensive perfume and nail polish. Which is sooo not cool.

I thought that just for April Fools Day, we would all go and buy a Toyota, then take it back and say it ran out of control on the highway. Yeah. That would shock them.

Well, I hope you like my blog!

By the way, the State Lying Competition will be held Sunday, April 11th at 6pm and I made it! Haha April Fool!

Later :)

The Baking Girl